The serviceability and reliability of the cooling system of the FSM machine is the main criterion for the production of high-quality carbon black for the entire period of operation of the equipment.

High-quality components, reliable equipment, system and alternate connection of the cooling units of the FSM machine allow you to achieve a high level of performance – heat extraction and prevention of dynamic heating of the equipment in time.

The cooling system of the FSM machine, depending on the configuration and additional options, may include the following elements:
- cooling system pump (vortex) - from 1.8 to 3.7 cubic meters
. - collector with adjustment of each individual circuit
- main line made of polyurethane hoses reinforced with polymer amplifiers
- cooling system automation center, depending on the temperature of the incoming refrigerant
- additional expansion tanks for refrigerant circulation
- forced cooling systems

The cooling systems of the FSM machine can be equipped with additional automatic controllers and sensors of the refrigerant flow, which allow you to determine the quantitative volume of the passage of the refrigerant, as well as qualitative temperature indicators. These options are installed both in the local piping for individual circuits, and in the entire cooling system of the installation. These options allow you to prevent possible problems, breakdowns and accidents of the FSM machine, as well as simplify the process of monitoring the operation of the equipment for the operator.

In case of uncontrolled - emergency shutdown of the cooling module of the FSM machine, forced cooling of the hot zones of the carbon synthesis reactor is required. In these cases, equipment cooling systems are equipped with uninterruptible power supply devices, allowing local cooling of the required circuit.
cooling system fullerene, innovation product fullerene