Carbon black, in all its variations, is a versatile high-tech product that can improve and balance the key properties of finished products and materials. The uniqueness of this product was proven back in 1996, when Harold Kroto received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its discovery.

The spheres of application of carbon black powder, both in the standard form - soot (carbon black), and its allotropic form - fullerene, are getting more and more new directions every year. If we take the year 2000 as the start of the history of the development of direct application, we will see active dynamics by industry:
- 2004 - lubricants based on grease bases
- 2006 - acceptors in pharmacology for working with medicinal products
- 2007 - epoxy fillers
- 2008 - polymer materials - polyamide, PA-6
- 2009 - additives in olive oils
- 2010 - technology of application in cosmetic recipe
- 2011 - fillers in polymer sprayed compositions
- 2013 - additives in concrete components and mortars
- 2014 - master-butches based on prepolymers
- 2015 - additives in cross-linked polymers compositions
- 2016 - fillers for flame retardants
- 2017 - fillers in retardants polymers
- 2018 - additive for polyurethane compositions
- 2019 - fillers in sprayed metal powders
- 2020 - composite materials for armored vehicles
- 2021 - elements that increase the thermal coefficient during charge detonation

Take into consideration the dynamics of the development of the carbon black powder industry, the production and application sector of the product requires optimization of production technology and reduction of technological and operational costs. CARBOTOOL offers not local, but general methods for improving the production processes of carbon black, in combination with technologies for the use of primary and secondary products.

The company's offer is accompanied by conditions for the behavior of partners in each of the industries, such as consulting, information, design, technology.
Carbon black or soot is used in the paint industry as a black pigment. Such a material consists of 88 - 99.9% elemental carbon in its various forms. Technical characteristics and properties of carbon black are determined by the raw materials from which it is produced, as well as production methods.

Carbon black production
Carbon black - soot, can be obtained in two ways:
- pyrolysis by thermal decomposition of the source material
- by burning.

As raw materials or initial components for the production of carbon black, fuel is used: liquid, gaseous, sometimes solid.
Acetylene carbon black, obtained as a result of processing acetylene, gas - natural gas.
Nozzle and tube carbon black is produced from liquid fuel. In addition, nozzle and tube carbon black is a waste product during coking of coal and pyrolysis of oil.
The most widely used carbon black in industry is nozzle, acetylene, lamp and gas (special, thermal, channel and furnace).

Properties of carbon black
Pigmented carbon black can have primary or secondary structures. The primary is the main structure, a set of particles of spherical or similar shape.
The primary structure may, under the influence of certain factors, turn into a secondary one. Carbon particles are firmly connected to each other, forming chains, branching. With agglomeration of chains, the formation of a secondary mesh structure is possible, which is often a negative factor, and in the final cycle will only harm the technological process of introducing the pigment. When using carbon black as a black pigment for the production of polymer or paint materials, the presence of secondary structures is highly undesirable, because they create pores and agglomerations in the material and on its surface, and reduce the pigment properties of soot.

Carbon black in its powder phase has an exceptionally high degree of dispersion. The size of the pigment particles ranges from 0.01 to 0.6 microns. Due to the high degree of dispersion, the specific surface area of the powder can reach 300 g/m2. Also, the color depth, the oil capacity of the pigment and its distribution in the structure of the base also depend on the dispersion. The smaller the size of the powder particles, the better and richer the dark shades of polymer or paint compositions – the black color is deeper and more uniform. The dependence of intensity on dispersion has a slightly different character. The intensity of the pigment increases with a decrease in the particle size up to 0.025 microns, followed by a gradual decrease in intensity.

Carbon black is a good adsorbent. The chemical state of the surface of the powder particles is largely determined by the properties of the pigment, the speed of its production, the storage period and the quality of storage. In some production processes, at the time of soot production, soot particles react with oxygen in the air, forming complex compounds. A similar structural change in carbon black may occur due to storage conditions. If the pigmented carbon black contains a small amount of complexes, the pH value of the aqueous extract can reach values of 9.0 - 11.0. In this case, the pH is determined by impurities of salts of alkaline earth and alkali metals, which remain on the surface of carbon particles after its washing (cooling). The high content of complexes indicates the acidic nature of the aqueous extract of carbon black. The pH is 3.5 - 4.6.

Based on the experience of working with technical carbon as a pigment and a modifier in paint and varnish materials, it is recommended that the pigment be pre-prepared by heat treatment or vacuum drying in a "comfortable" temperature zone.

In some cases, adsorbed oxygen on the surface of pigment particles can cause spontaneous ignition of carbon black. Long-lasting carbon black pastes based on vegetable oils and drying oils, which are easily oxidized, are also subject to this threat. To prevent the formation of complexes with oxygen, in some cases, during dispersion, carbon black is treated with surfactants. Due to the surfactant treatment, the color depth of the pigment increases. After dispersion in the presence of surfactants, aqueous dispersions or dry rolled pastes (SVP) are obtained. The surface of each particle in these pastes and dispersions is cleaned of excess oxygen and other formations. The pigment based on carbon black is supplied to paint and varnish production in the form of a vacuumed powder phase, dispersions and dry rolled pastes. Directly during the production of paints and varnishes, carbon black is diluted with concentrated bases or solvents, and introduced in the required technological map concentrations into the future base of enamel or paint.

Uniform distribution of the carbon black composition in the film-forming substance is a rather complicated process, and the smaller the particles, the more difficult it is to achieve uniformity of the emulsion. Based on this problem, at the stage of introducing the pigment into the base, high-quality and long-term operation of the mixing device is required, as well as the introduction of additional dispersants that exclude the possible sedimentation of carbon black in base. The formation of dispersion occurs more easily in the presence of oxygen and carbon compounds. The wettability of the powder improves, the paint material acquires greater stability, and the painted surface - gloss.

Additionally, carbon black transmits valuable properties and modifies the paint material. Soot has high temperature resistance, is resistant to light and many chemical compounds. Carbon black has the ability to absorb ultraviolet, infrared radiation and light from the visible part of the spectrum. Due to this, enamels and paints based on it are characterized by high atmospheric resistance, protecting the surface from corrosion. An integral positive factor in the case of modification of paint and varnish products with technical carbon is the hardening of the modified material, as well as its increased resistance to destruction.

Application of carbon black
The main part of the carbon black produced by industry is used for the production of plastics and rubbers. The material serves as a reinforcing and strengthening modifier. About 70% of the total carbon black produced is used in the manufacture of rubber for cars - wheel tires. A small part of the material is used by the printing industry.

In the paint and varnish industry, carbon black is used in the production of gray and black weather-resistant enamels and paints.

Carbon black produced by electric arc synthesis is intended for modification of polymer, paint and lubricants. Also, in some cases, it is used as a raw material component for obtaining individual forms of fulleroid materials and nanodiamonds.