The reactor chamber for FSM-500 / 500 VS machines is the main design element of the carbon black production complex.

This construction element is completely made of stainless steel with a thickness of at least 1.8 mm.
It has 5 independent cooling zones of the housing and a number of connecting flanges, for the following technological elements of the structure:
- reactor chamber cover
- vacuum electrode insertion chamber
- glass-collection of the cathode deposit
- camera viewing window
- tank-container № 1

The reactor chamber is designed for the depth of the achieved vacuum – 3.6 x 10 (-4).
The cooling circuits of the reactor chamber are designed for a cooling liquid pressure of – 6.3 atmospheres.

The reactor chamber for the FSM-500 / 500 VS machine models is only suitable for this type of plant; for FSM machines of a different model range, this design element is not suitable!

FSM reactor chamber, vacuum inlet chamber, vacuum equipment, high quality